
The critical condition of a patient, his discomfort or the need to counteract abnormal effects, often require the admission and observation, to evaluate the answers. A hospitalization for animals of big size, one for animalsmedium / small size, a hospitalization for patients with infectious diseases and another of cats, with specific cages for their comfort and handling, in accordance with the requirements of the ISFM; a wide hospitalization for dogs, with cages of different sizes and needs; a exotic animal hospitalization, prepared to cover any species; and two differentiated areas, for patients admitted to day surgery and for animals with infectious pathologies.

Big Size Box

Very large spaces of 4m2 without roof and glass rear wall to provide greater mobility and a feeling of freedom for the patient. Constructed with welcoming materials while being easy to disinfect. 

Half/Little Size Box

Divisible spaces that allow us to adapt to the measurements and needs of each patient. They are complemented with rest elements that provide comfort, warmth and hygiene. 

Cat Friendly Box

Hospitalization area separated from the rest, meeting the requirements of the Gold Cat Friendly certification. They have 2 separates but communicated environments (rest and hygiene) and an elevated area so that the cat can maintain its feline need to observe from above. This distribution ensures the maximum reduction of stress which favors a better recovery of the patient. 

Will my pet be attended to 24 hours a day? 

Yes, day and night you will receive constant attention from our veterinary team and ATV's. 

Is it necessary to bring your feed during the days of admission? 

No, we provide them with the most appropriate type of diet for the illness they have, but in case they do not want to eat any of the different options we offer, we will ask you to bring what they always eat at home. 

How are the boxes? 

They are spacious, comfortable, bright and temperature-controlled spaces where your pet can rest and recover comfortably. Their location and the material of the walls and doors allow direct visual contact between them and the medical team. 

Will you have a comfortable bed to stretch out? 

Yes, its characteristics depend on the size of the pet, its disease and the environmental temperature. 

During admission, will you go out for a walk? 

Yes as long as your physical condition allows it. If he can go outside, he will urinate and defecate outside, if he cannot go outside, he will do so in the hospitalization area of his choice. 

Will I be informed in case it worsens? 

Yes, at any time of the day or night if you authorize us. 

Can I call as many times as I want? 

In order not to continuously interrupt the work of the hospitalization team, a call time will be agreed in the morning and another in the afternoon. 

I will be away for a few days; can I authorize a family member to make decisions for me? 

Yes, by signing a document that confirms it. 

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