General and Preventive Medicine

Preventive medicine is a combination of medical advice and practices that works before illnesses appear. This proactive orientation allows us to make an early detection of possible pathologies and minimize their effects. With preventive medicine we influence healthy behaviors such as feeding, vaccination, deworming and behavior that allow the pet to live in the best possible conditions. General medicine constitutes the first level of medical care and is responsible for the patient as a whole, ensuring the prevention, detection, treatment and monitoring of compensated chronic pathologies.

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Hablemos de salud dental

Muchos cuidadores piensan que la boca de sus mascotas está sana cuando no es así. De hecho, el 80% de los perros y gatos adultos tienen problemas orales, que pueden resultar difíciles de identificar. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu perro tenga una sonrisa mucho más sana.


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