Veterinary Computed Tomography

AniCura Marina Baixa Veterinary Hospital has a Helical Computed Tomography (CT) machine.

The speed of obtaining images is ten times faster than a conventional CT scan and obtains volumetric data, being able to:

  • Perform three-dimensional images, dynamic angiographic studies and virtual endoscopy.
  • Visualisation with good resolution of 1 mm tumours.
  • Rapid scans, such as, for example, a large dog's thorax in just 30 seconds.

What is a CT scan useful for?

CT scans are useful across almost all departments:

  • In oncology for the diagnosis of tumours and the pre-surgical plan for oncological surgery and chemotherapy.
  • In otorhinolaryngology to evaluate otitis media/internal otitis, polyps, nasal pathologies, etc.
  • In pneumology to evaluate tumours, abscesses, pulmonary torsions, etc.
  • In neurology to evaluate herniated discs, spinal fractures, cranial tumours, etc.
  • In traumatology to better evaluate fractures, diagnosis of elbow dysplasia, pre-surgical plan of bone deformities.

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