Internal and preventive medicine

Internal and preventive medicine studies and treats diseases that are not usually treated by surgery. Some digestive, cardiac, urinary, neurological, dermatological problems, tumours, etc. are treated with medicines.

In the cardiology service we have echocardiography, electrocardiography, Holter and detection of congenital and breed-related heart diseases.

Oncology is a speciality of the small animal clinic that has come a long way nowadays. Whereas in the past, when cancer was diagnosed, most owners decided to euthanise their dogs, nowadays, treatment is the majority of the considerations. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the main options for cancer treatment. In some cases a combination of two therapeutic options is necessary.

Although surgery alone is the most commonly used technique, nowadays, post-surgical chemotherapy is often used to increase the survival time of patients. Each type of cancer is treated differently, therefore a correct diagnosis is necessary with the help of analysis, biopsies, cytology and imaging methods (radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).

This allows us to make a preoperative plan, knowing the extent of the cancer. Chemotherapy acts on the process of cell growth and division. Since cancer is an accelerated and anarchic cell growth and division, these products are most effective against cancer cells. The problem is that it is not without side effects. By means of interventional radiology it is possible to reach the artery that feeds a tumour with a catheter and embolise it, i.e. block it, in order to prevent blood from reaching the tumour and thus cause its death or at least reduce its ability to grow and facilitate surgery. This is an option that can currently be performed in veterinary medicine. Another is radiotherapy. This consists in the emission of radiation directly onto the tumour causing its death. The treatment field is defined with computerised tomography and simulation with a three-dimensional computer system.

AniCura Marina Baixa Veterinary Hospital has its own laboratory, where most of the analytical tests are carried out. The laboratory equipment is subjected to quality controls.

Clinical ethology is the speciality that deals with behavioural disorders in our pets, such as aggression, separation anxiety, phobias, etc. This department is in charge of socialisation certificates.

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