Feline hospitalization

The feline patient, in addition to the usual care, also requires accommodation specially designed to minimize stressful conditions. In feline medicine is believed that as the stress decreases the recovery is faster. AniCura Glòries Hospital Veterinari has a large room constantly set with feline pheromone, with six cages specially designed to house cats. In this cat ward only feline patients are allowed. All the instrumental and fungibles used do not have contact with other species, the exploration of the animals are the same room and the cages are equipped with a double level and with a closed compartment with the sandbox where the animal can have more intimacy. 

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Hablemos de salud dental

Muchos cuidadores piensan que la boca de sus mascotas está sana cuando no es así. De hecho, el 80% de los perros y gatos adultos tienen problemas orales, que pueden resultar difíciles de identificar. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu perro tenga una sonrisa mucho más sana.


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