Tissue Surgery and Oncology Service

In Anicura Bahía de Málaga Veterinary Reference we have extensive experience in upper respiratory surgery, complex thoracic surgery and complex abdominal surgery including surgery of the urinary system and biliary tract. In addition, we perform the integral treatment of all types of neoplasms from the medical and surgical point of view.

In AniCura Bahía de Málaga we have wide experience in upper respiratory tract surgery, complex thoracic and abdominal surgery including urinary and biliary tract surgery.

We offer a comprehensive Oncology service including medical and surgical treatment aided by ultrasound and CT that allows us to provide the best oncological treatment for pets.

Soft Tissue Surgery

  • Upper respiratory tract surgery: brachiocephalic síndrome, laryngeal paralysis.
  • Cardiorespiratory surgery: chylothorax, persistent ductus artheriosus, persistent aortic arch, pericardiectomy, lung lobectomy, pneumectomy, oesophageal foreign body, intrathoracic tracheal rupture, pyothorax.
  • Complex abdominal surgery: intra and extrahepatic shunts, biliary tract surgery, hiatal hernia, piloric estenosis, pancreatectomy, cholectomy, diaphragmatic hernia, perineal hernia, rectal neoplasia.
  • Urinary tract surgery: ureteral calculi, ectopic urether, colposuspension, uretheral bypass.
  • Oncologic and reconstructive surgery: flaps and skin grafts
  • Ear surgery: total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy (TECA-LBO), ventral bulla osteotomy, partial pinnal amputation.


  • Comprenhensive medical and surgical treatment of neoplasias.
  • Cytological examination
  • Fow cytometry
  • Chemotherapy
  • Target therapy
  • Metronomic therapy
  • Inmunotherapy
  • Electrochemotherapy

Hablemos de salud dental

Muchos cuidadores piensan que la boca de sus mascotas está sana cuando no es así. De hecho, el 80% de los perros y gatos adultos tienen problemas orales, que pueden resultar difíciles de identificar. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu perro tenga una sonrisa mucho más sana.


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